About Us

FindADrivingTest.co.uk is a new online cancellation checker service brought to you by Driving Test Cancellations Ltd. Since 2010 we have helped thousands of learner drivers get on the road sooner by finding an earlier driving test.

Our first product - Cancellation Notifier - was a downloadable cancellation checker for Windows-based computers. Understandably, some customers were reluctant to leave their computers on all day while they were out - the software needed to be running in order to check for driving test cancellations on the DSA website. Others experienced problems running the software on computers at work - often the result of corporate security policies blocking Internet access. We wanted a solution that would be convenient and usable by anyone - not just users of Windows PCs. As a result we decided to develop the FindADrivingTest.co.uk online cancellation checker service. All development and maintanence of this service is performed in-house by our team.